Office Hours: Quickie Before Dinner

Office Hours: Quickie Before Dinner

Office Hours: Quickie Before Dinner

Before heading out to dinner, I went through your highly-upvoted questions from Here’s what we covered:

00:00 Start
00:20 Mert: Hi Brent, what is the relation between AlwaysOn and Windows Failover Cluster? Is WFC an obligation or a choice for creating an Always On availability group? It will be nice if you address the topic with shapes visually. Thanks.
01:12 LemonOnAPear: Whats your favorite SQL Server bug / story about a bug?
02:26 franklwambo: Have you plans to ship the current or future SQL server training classes to pluralsight? my company seems more inclined to the plural sight subscriptions.
03:04 Call Me Ishmael: Enforcing referential integrity via foreign keys is often a source of friction between application developers and the database team primarily because of the discipline that entails and perceived performance issues. There are blogs that offer alternatives. What is your opinion?
04:14 don s: Have taken your Fundamentals of Columnstore course more than once, great course! My question is for Azure Synapse Analytics and the Columnstore implementation in this environment. Same old Columnstore or has Microsoft made any improvements to the deterioration issues?
05:11 TiredAndFrustrated: We have a lot of ad hoc queries in the plan cache (over 33%). In your opinion, which is better, Optimize of Ad Hoc or Forced Parameterization. Devs won’t change the code….
06:03 flynders: Why do perfmon counters show lower figures for IO latency compared with sys.dm_virtual_io_file_stats ? I see much higher latency figures from the DMV using Paul Randals IO time period script. I would expect the values to be close, not maybe 5x off using identical capture interval
07:41 Philip: What do you typically recommend/like/see “comment” wise when it comes to documenting within your Stored Procedures, Functions, etc ?

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