JavaScript Closures in 1 min #shorts #code #javascript #coding #dev #tutorial #js #coder

JavaScript Closures in 1 min #shorts #code #javascript #coding #dev #tutorial #js #coder

JavaScript Closures in 1 min #shorts #code #javascript #coding #dev #tutorial #js #coder

JavaScript Closures Tutorial, FINALLY explained!

Closures are incredibly difficult to explain and understand, and sadly they come up in interviews all the time. Why do we need Closures? And how can you use them to your advantage?

JavaScript Closures from the series “10 Things JS Developers Should Know”
by, Sina Jazayeri

This is episode 9 in a 10 part series I’m calling 10 things javascript developers should know but probably don’t. In this series, we’re going to cover some of the most fundamental and important parts of JavaScript that most of us don’t actually know, and barely touch. Today, for episode 9, we’re talking about JavaScript Closures, what do they actually mean, why they exist, and how to use them. Episode 9: Closures. Let’s go!


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