Setup + Install Wordpress on a VPS (in 10 Minutes)

Setup + Install Wordpress on a VPS (in 10 Minutes)

Setup + Install Wordpress on a VPS (in 10 Minutes)

Get started with your pro website with Hostinger. Use my link or coupon code DAVIDB to get an additional discount for all Hostinger VPS packages or Shared Hosting Plans.

In this video I’ll show you how to install Wordpress on Hostinger VPS with SSL certificate. VPS hosting means that you are in control of your own virtual private server, allowing you to use a specific version of PHP or use a custom server configuration that suits your website’s needs.

Using a VPS is a great way to have full control over your website and not have to share the server space with others. Hostinger offers excellent value VPS plans that suit a wide variety of needs. Make sure to use the hostinger discount code above to get the maximum savings on your own VPS plan.

If you are interested in using Hostinger’s VPS hosting for Wordpress then make sure to take advantage of the hosting discount using the link above. If you are unsure of how to setup a vps then hopefully this quick Wordpress install guide gets you up and running with your own vps hosting plan.

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