Learn Delphi Programming | Unit 10.4 | IPO (Input, Process, Output) in Delphi

Learn Delphi Programming | Unit 10.4 | IPO (Input, Process, Output) in Delphi

Learn Delphi Programming | Unit 10.4 | IPO (Input, Process, Output) in Delphi

Learn Delphi Programming Tutorials are now available with English subtitles.

To make programming easy, and to plan a consistent flow for Delphi projects, software developers often apply the concepts of IPO – or Input, Process, Output. This is done on an IPO chart/table.

After laying out Input, Processing, and Output on an IPO table, you will find it easier to identify which input and output variables are needed in your project.

You then must process the inputs to produce the desired outputs.

In this tutorial, I demonstrate the layout of a IPO table and later in the video, we apply the IPO-table in a project, by declaring variables and populating them. We then display our outputs in an Output component.

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