Microservices Part 2: DotNet Core WebAPI with SQlite DB, deploy to Linux as Docker Container

Microservices Part 2: DotNet Core WebAPI with SQlite DB, deploy to Linux as Docker Container

Microservices Part 2: DotNet Core WebAPI with SQlite DB, deploy to Linux as Docker Container

Microservices – Part 2: The video demonstrates end-to-end hands-on development on how to create a Microservice:
– Develop Web API with SQLiteDB application using Visual Studio Code & C#
– Install Docker on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine
– Create a Dockerfile
– Build the Docker Image
– Deploy and run the Docker Container on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine
– Test the Web API using Postman

Link to Microservices Part 1: https://youtu.be/ttYSvkqY2PU

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Code checked into GitHub: https://github.com/charlesbill/TheSolutionArchitect/tree/dev-branch/myapi1

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