Buying A Domain Name For Your Website (From GoDaddy) – Tips & Tricks of the Pros | WP Learning Lab

Buying A Domain Name For Your Website (From GoDaddy) – Tips & Tricks of the Pros | WP Learning Lab

Buying A Domain Name For Your Website (From GoDaddy) - Tips & Tricks of the Pros | WP Learning Lab

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Buying A Domain Name For Your Website (From GoDaddy) – Tips & Tricks of the Pros | WP Learning Lab

In this video I walk you through how to by a GoDaddy domain name for your website. I also highlight the common money-sucking pitfalls that inexperienced domain name buyers often fall into.

The very first thing you do when you purchase a domain name is go to and use their search feature to find a domain name that both suits your needs AND is available for purchase. When you’ve found one click on Add Cart and search for more if you are buying more than one or click on Continue to purchase just the one you found.

On the next page is where the upsells start. In reality, you don’t need any of the upsells when you are just starting out. But there are two instances where you may want (1) and (2) which I explain below. Upsells include:

1. Domain privacy protection
2. Buying the same domain name with different Top Level Domains (TLDs) (.org, .net, .tv, .etc)
3. Buying GoDaddy hosting
4. Buying GoDaddy website builder
5. Buying the GoDaddy email service

There are times when I do recommend using the domain privacy protection. What this does is hides the real purchaser’s information when buying the domain. For example, anyone can use the database to find out who bought any particular domain. If there is no domain privacy protection associated with the domain then the purchaser’s name, address, and sometimes phone number will appear in the database.

However, if the domain is protected then the contact information of the registrar will be listed and not the purchasers.

The other upsell you may at want to consider buying at some point is the other Top Level Domains (TLDs). If your brand is or becomes popular enough people will buy the .org, .net, .tv or other versions of the domain and either try to sell them back to you or squat on them. It’s usually best to pre-empt that by buying all TLDs.

But if you’re just starting out, generally none of these upsells are required and you can always add them later if you want.

Once you have gone through the purchasing process you will be able to log into your GoDaddy account and see your new domain name. That’s how easy it is to register a domain name. You will then want to set the nameservers GoDaddy, which is the subject of another video.

I hope this information helps you! If you have any questions leave a comment below or ping me @WPLearningLab on Twitter.

All videos in the WP Learning Lab WordPress Installation Series:

1. WordPress Installation Introduction

2. Buying A Domain Name For Your Website (From GoDaddy) – Tips & Tricks of the Pros

3. WordPress Hosting: Buying A (BlueHost) Hosting Account for Your Website

4. Setting Name Servers In Your GoDaddy Domain Registrar Account

5. Create Add On Domains via cPanel

6. Downloading and Uploading (Self Hosted WordPress) Files

7. Create a MySQL Database for your WordPress Site via cPanel

8. Edit wp-config.php To Add WordPress Database Credentials

9. WordPress Installation Form & Logging In For The First Time

10. WordPress One Click Install

11. Create A Custom Email Address For Your Website Via cPanel

12. Forward Your Custom Email Address via cPanel

13. WordPress Installation Series Conclusion & Next Steps


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