How to Firebase web hosting and connect with custom goDaddy domain tutorial

How to Firebase web hosting and connect with custom goDaddy domain tutorial

How to Firebase web hosting and connect with custom goDaddy domain tutorial

If you prefer to read a blog post here is step by step guide on how to firebase web hosting tutorial.

In this video, you will learn
1. How to host your website on firebase
2. How to connect firebase website with custom domain at GoDaddy
3. How to update GoDaddy records so your website at firebase can be connected with your domain parked at Godaddy.
4. How to make changes or update your website on firebase.
5. How to install firebase tools to upload website data at firebase.

firebase allows you to host your website for free and it has option through which you can connect your website domain with your firebase account.
so in this tutorial we are using go daddy domain. and using a static website/web pages and hosting it on firebase using firebase web hosting and than we connect our domain with firebase.
this is latest and updated tutorial for firebase web hosting in 2017.

This is my first video lecture ever so need your support 🙂 and positive feedback. Thank you

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