Let's Learn .NET – C#

Let's Learn .NET – C#

Let's Learn .NET - C#

Let’s start at the beginning with learning a modern, productive, and evolving programming language C#. C# (pronounced See-Sharp) is an open-source type-safe programming language that is part of .NET That enables you to build any type of application including mobile, web, cloud, desktop, IoT, and more. Together, we will learn what  C# is, how to get started learning directly from the browser, and then what tools you can install to learn more!


* Introductions (5 mins): Meet the team!
* Fundamentals (20 mins): C# 101
* Workshop I (35 mins):  [Take your first steps with C#](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/csharp-first-steps?WT.mc_id=dotnet-22477-jasingl)
* Q&A (10 mins): Get your questions answered live!
* Workshop II (35 mins): [Add logic to your apps with C#](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/csharp-logic?WT.mc_id=dotnet-22477-jasingl)
* Q&A (10 mins): Get your questions answered live!
* Open Discussion (10 mins): Let’s discuss the learnings and what else is on your mind.
* Resources (5 mins): [Browse all resources on C#](https://aka.ms/csharp_resources)

More information at http://aka.ms/letslearndotnet

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