【朱一龙】肯德基 天生翅粉乌托邦-第四第五篇合集 Cut-032792019【Zhu, Yilong】KFC -Wings Utopia-Episode 4&5 Cut-03292019

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅时光雕刻师正片 03072019 【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal Time engraver Ad 03072019

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅女士:广告合集+花絮及性感镜头回放【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal Women’s Ad Mix & Behind the scenes

【朱一龙】Esquire:帅气时尚先生混剪+获奖感言 122018 【Zhu, Yilong】Esquire: Video Mix and Award Speech

【朱一龙】国际熊猫日推广- 人与自然和谐共生【Zhu, Yilong】WWF Panda Day- 10/27/2019 – Humans live harmony with wildlife

【朱一龙】巴塞尔之行-介绍自己戴的腕表及《重启》后的计划【Zhu, Yilong】Basel World Show- IFeng Fashion Interview

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅男士广告 February 2019 【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal men’s Ad February 2019

【朱一龙】百家号及御姐归来推广 【Zhu, Yilong】Baidu Content & “Super lady come back” promotion

【朱一龙】ReFa见面会媒体采访 – 云吃火锅有机会 – 04252019【Zhu, Yilong】REFA promotion interview -04252019

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅-杭州推广Elle美颜社访谈- 拍戏的时候感觉最自由-11032019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal HangZhou Promotion Elle interview

【朱一龙】巴塞尔之行-新浪采访-03232019【Zhu, Yilong】Basel World Show-Sina Interview-03232019

【朱一龙】仰世而来-0416生贺视频(视频作者咕破授权上传)【Zhu, Yilong】B-Day wishes video made by 咕破 (Authorized upload)

【朱一龙】肯德基 周二会员日 Cut – 04222019【Zhu, Yilong】KFC -Tuesday-member day -04222019

【朱一龙】欧舒丹乳木果系列-10202019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Occitane Shea Butter Series Ad -10202019

【朱一龙】肯德基 乌龙茶-全民调茶官+ cut-03232019【Zhu, Yilong】KFC -Tea Ambassador 03232019

【朱一龙】肯德基九龙金玉新茶-11152019 【Zhu, Yilong】2019 Kentucky Chicken new tea AD -11152019

【朱一龙】肯德基K COFFEE倡导阅读 + 近镜头cut-04282019【Zhu, Yilong】KFC -Kcoffee advocating reading + cut-04282019

【朱一龙】妮维雅:“宠你,要用一辈子”+迷人微笑慢镜头混剪回放 【Zhu, Yilong】NIVEA AD: Cosset you for my whole life 122018

【朱一龙】 对时间的感悟: 我在时间当中不断地成长,不停地进步 02152019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal men’s Ad JD shopping 02152019

【朱一龙】ReFa 快问快答-03182019

【朱一龙】 2019年朱一龙高考祝福“祝所有的努力都会有有所回报,拼搏的青春也不会留下遗憾。” 【Zhu, Yilong】2019 College Admission Exam wishes

【朱一龙】包饺子给自己打2分 【Zhu, Yilong】Making dumplings

【朱一龙】巴塞尔之行-If 采访cut-我是两个极端 【Zhu, Yilong】Basel World Show-If Interview-cut

【朱一龙】入戏新年祝福 【Zhu, Yilong】Into the Drama: Chiense New Year Wishes

【朱一龙】 味全-谷的优格-05012019【Zhu, Yilong】WeiQuan-Yogurt with Cereals -0501201

【朱一龙】欧舒丹沁夏访谈+法式SPA:穿衣服洗澡因为身材没练好【Zhu, Yilong】L'Occitane Summer interview + French SPA

【朱一龙】REFA 广告推广及花絮朱一龙cut+美颜慢镜头回放

【朱一龙】膳魔师x朱一龙 一千零一个表白【Zhu, Yilong】Thermos 1001 wishes for B-day-04162019

【朱一龙】肯德基 乌龙茶-全民调茶官+ 全新芭梨恋语乌龙茶-09022019【Zhu, Yilong】KFC -Tea Ambassador- 09022019

【朱一龙】央视五四青年晚会排练 饭拍 PART3 【Zhu, Yilong】CCTV May 4th Youth Party Rehearsal Fan’s Video PART 3

【朱一龙】原创生贺曲《循光》原创作者授权上传【Zhu, Yilong】Tracking Down the Light -Original Author Authorized Upload

【朱一龙】丝芙兰线下实体店_04032019【Zhu, Yilong】REFA – Sephora promotion-04032019

【朱一龙】 2019 金鸡奖开幕式-11202019 【Zhu, Yilong】2019 Golden Rooster Awards opening ceremony – 11202019

【朱一龙】ReFa见面会_04252019@ 平成屋【Zhu, Yilong】REFA promotion-04252019@平成屋

【朱一龙】2019电视剧品质盛典饭拍合集 -03052019 PART 1 【Zhu, Yilong】2019 Drama Reward Fan’s Video Mix PART1

【朱一龙】ENG SUB ReFa 母亲节祝福 – 05102019【Zhu, Yilong】ENG SUB REFA Mother's Day Wishes – 05102019

【朱一龙】海南国际电影节:照片合集【Zhu, Yilong】 Hainan International Film Festival : Photos Mix

【朱一龙】2019电视剧品质盛典饭拍合集 -03052019 PART 3 【Zhu, Yilong】2019 Drama Award Fan’s Video Mix PART 3

【朱一龙】 《盗墓笔记重启》 剧组探班 PART2: 新浪探班 【Zhu, Yilong】《The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles》Behind-the-Scene -2

【朱一龙】 微电影-头条里的青春中国单人CUT【Zhu, Yilong】Microfilm:Youth of China in Headlines CUT