💞娇妻喝醉向侯爷撒娇要一起睡,还化身盯夫狂魔:侯爷怎么这么好看~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷惨死?婆婆得知娇妻刺伤侯爷迁怒于她,娇妻心死要殉情!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷大型双标现场,吃醋娇妻夸赞初恋字好,关在房里疯狂练字!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻不小心中伤侯爷,侯爷醒来竟要与她和离,怕她因此丢掉性命!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞小妾污蔑娇妻虐待孩子,娇妻机智化解,一家三口幸福满满让小妾眼红!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻联合侯爷设局让小妾自投罗网,终于报仇雪恨,与侯爷幸福度日~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

独家花絮: 突迎雷雨,钟汉良忘词出汗表情好呆萌【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】

💞小妾跟婆婆告状娇妻偷情去捉奸,不料竟是与侯爷约会,小妾被狠狠教训!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Mr. Hou’s eyes can’t be separated from his beloved wife~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

ENG SUB【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】EP01 两人初相遇,徐令宜水中救下十一娘(钟汉良、谭松韵)

💞娇妻被赶到农庄被刺杀,侯爷死而复生,带伤霸气救娇妻!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷娇妻终于圆房,第二天孩子家宴说父母亲密趣事,小妾听了脸都变绿!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷与娇妻夜夜缠绵又有孩子,小妾嫉妒的发狂,竟想对孩子下毒手!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Since when has Mr. Hou always been a strict wife~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💞侯爷大难不死接娇妻回家,婆婆大发雷霆,侯爷独自揽下所有过错!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻听信谣言怀疑侯爷不举?深夜抚摸试探,第二天侯爷让她起不来床~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻被婆婆赶到荒郊,侯爷得知立刻接回娇妻,路上就忍不住揽她进怀里~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Family photo shoot in progress!#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

The marriage between Mr. Hou and his beloved wife is so sweet~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💞娇妻施粥遇难民暴乱受伤,侯爷赶到将她护进怀中,公主抱回家满眼心疼~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻终于有喜,侯爷却还是忍不住夜夜找她圆房,小妾得知气得牙痒痒!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Brother Chun is relaxing in his cute costume! !#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

The whole internet is urging Mr. Hou to consummate his marriage~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

独家花絮:淘气钟汉良上线,姨娘投怀送抱幕后竟如此欢快多多!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】

《上道》第28集|向佐 贡米 唐晓天 洪浚嘉 涂黎曼 张南 The Principle EP28【捷成华视偶像剧场】

独家花絮:局中局现场侯爷被“捉奸”,钟汉良笑场不停好可爱!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】

《上道》第18集|向佐 贡米 唐晓天 洪浚嘉 涂黎曼 张南 The Principle EP18【捷成华视偶像剧场】

双人情感特辑:钟汉良谭松韵超甜【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】

💛灰姑娘怀孕,总裁抱着灰姑娘转圈圈:我当爸爸了| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

❤️分手后再相见,总裁和灰姑娘从客厅吻到床上!| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

💛不怀孕不许下床!总裁表白成功后直接将灰姑娘拐上床| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

💛新郎出轨,灰姑娘当场将渣男和心机女的亲热视频在婚礼现场播放!| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

💛总裁被心机女下春药,没想到总裁直接扑倒灰姑娘!| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

❤️灰姑娘独自抚养孩子,总裁追妻火葬场| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

❤️总裁和灰姑娘吵架,儿子帮爸爸哄灰姑娘| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

🌺超欲!言承旭在车上和灰姑娘热吻,路人见了都害羞| 夏花 The Forbidden Flower

💛一次就怀孕,顾未易也太强了| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

❤️灰姑娘灌醉总裁和他亲热,没想到一次就怀孕了| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

❤️灰姑娘被绑架,总裁当场逃婚去救老婆| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama

💛灰姑娘酒桌上被流氓调戏,总裁霸气护妻直接将酒泼到流氓头上!| 中国电视剧 Chinese drama