💞娇妻喝醉向侯爷撒娇要一起睡,还化身盯夫狂魔:侯爷怎么这么好看~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷惨死?婆婆得知娇妻刺伤侯爷迁怒于她,娇妻心死要殉情!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷大型双标现场,吃醋娇妻夸赞初恋字好,关在房里疯狂练字!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻不小心中伤侯爷,侯爷醒来竟要与她和离,怕她因此丢掉性命!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞小妾污蔑娇妻虐待孩子,娇妻机智化解,一家三口幸福满满让小妾眼红!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

速看EP28|💑大结局!校草带灰姑娘逃婚吃麻辣烫,缠绵一夜,第二天孩子都要生了!!|二进制恋爱 Binary Love

💞娇妻联合侯爷设局让小妾自投罗网,终于报仇雪恨,与侯爷幸福度日~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞小妾跟婆婆告状娇妻偷情去捉奸,不料竟是与侯爷约会,小妾被狠狠教训!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Mr. Hou’s eyes can’t be separated from his beloved wife~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💫灰姑娘孕期耐不住寂寞,偷看王爷雪白肉体,王爷被看到羞的不行~ | 九流霸主 Overlord #白鹿

💞娇妻被赶到农庄被刺杀,侯爷死而复生,带伤霸气救娇妻!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷娇妻终于圆房,第二天孩子家宴说父母亲密趣事,小妾听了脸都变绿!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷与娇妻夜夜缠绵又有孩子,小妾嫉妒的发狂,竟想对孩子下毒手!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Since when has Mr. Hou always been a strict wife~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💞侯爷大难不死接娇妻回家,婆婆大发雷霆,侯爷独自揽下所有过错!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻听信谣言怀疑侯爷不举?深夜抚摸试探,第二天侯爷让她起不来床~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻被婆婆赶到荒郊,侯爷得知立刻接回娇妻,路上就忍不住揽她进怀里~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Family photo shoot in progress!#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

The marriage between Mr. Hou and his beloved wife is so sweet~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💞娇妻施粥遇难民暴乱受伤,侯爷赶到将她护进怀中,公主抱回家满眼心疼~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻终于有喜,侯爷却还是忍不住夜夜找她圆房,小妾得知气得牙痒痒!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Brother Chun is relaxing in his cute costume! !#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

The whole internet is urging Mr. Hou to consummate his marriage~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

🥰美女霸總第一次帶小奶狗回家過夜,兩人就迫不及待滾上床甜蜜一夜!【炽道 Falling into You】#金晨 #王安宇 #炽道

霸总自曝灰姑娘在他家过夜,炫耀男友主权,引发全公司围观|Stairway to Stardom🌟逆袭#Push#宋轶

【搶先看】女霸總和小狼狗徹底墜入愛河,兩人迫不及待熱吻甜蜜一夜。王安宇♥金晨【炽道 Falling into You】

醉酒霸总被困女厕,壁咚强吻灰姑娘,暴露了他对灰姑娘的真实想法|Stairway to Stardom🌟逆袭#Push#宋轶

💝新婚当晚灰姑娘主动献出处女身,王爷立马和她激情圆房 | 锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade #谭松韵 #钟汉良

奶狗弟弟激情鍛煉,美女老師和帥哥聊天,惹得奶狗弟弟狂吃醋! 【炽道 Falling into You】

奶狗弟弟超欲接吻,吻到美女老師上頭臉紅,主動脫衣與弟弟夜夜激情!【炽道 Falling into You】

丈夫被黑心同事欺负,妻子着急护夫,两人感情升温! | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage #杨紫#乔振宇

小狼狗要離開了,女霸總迫不及待把自己獻給了他,兩人終於甜慾圓房了【炽道 Falling into YouEP25 2】

速看EP40| 小三用苦肉计留下,丈夫心软未分手,妻子心痛难忍 | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage

奶狗弟弟心不在焉,吃飯時也在想念美女老師,直接撥打電話撒嬌! 【炽道 Falling into You】


妻子和丈夫假结婚暴露,无奈分手,忍不住落泪! | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage #杨紫#乔振宇

寻找失踪丈夫几十天,得到的第一句话竟是分手,妻子崩溃! | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage #杨紫#乔振宇

速看EP02|妻子醉酒住进丈夫家中,地狱般的二人世界! | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage

速看EP21|妻子怀孕摔下楼梯,丈夫吓得魂飞魄散! | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage

速看EP01|结婚当日,新郎消失,妻子却遇见了有缘的他! | 大嫁风尚 Great Marriage