Meet the parents | The Transformation | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Let sleeping dinosaurs lie | The Quest | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Never EVER miss a delivery | The Slip | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Story Of When Anais Was Born | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Service with a smile | The Menu | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Prison of Social Awkwardness | The Neighbor | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Effortless Crime | The Stars | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Gumball loses his mind | The Stories | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Hungry Ghost | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Gumball and Darwin's BAD mood | The Gripes | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Pizza | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Operation | The Traitor | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Everything has to be perfect | The Knights | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Anais' invisible birthday party guests | The Friend | Gumball | Cartoon Network

There Can Be Only One | The One | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Nest | Gumball | Cartoon Network

When the breath smells so bad | The Pact | Gumball | Cartoon Network

The Vegging | Gumball | Cartoon Network

How To NOT Take Out The Trash | The Procrastinators | Gumball | Cartoon Network

Is this the face of a CEO? | The Founder | Gumball | Cartoon Network