男孩為討女朋友開心,換了個奇葩髮型被女明星笑死了❤️❤️&何以笙簫默My Sunshine❤️ 唐嫣&鍾漢良

💞娇妻喝醉向侯爷撒娇要一起睡,还化身盯夫狂魔:侯爷怎么这么好看~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷惨死?婆婆得知娇妻刺伤侯爷迁怒于她,娇妻心死要殉情!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

[熱烈上映中]《白雨錄》 2023 最新熱門古裝劇 !!

三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love 你不知道的事:第十五集 CROTON MEGAHIT Official

💞侯爷大型双标现场,吃醋娇妻夸赞初恋字好,关在房里疯狂练字!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞娇妻不小心中伤侯爷,侯爷醒来竟要与她和离,怕她因此丢掉性命!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

老公酒吧被美女搭訕,下秒反被老婆調侃❤️❤️&何以笙簫默My Sunshine❤️ 唐嫣&鍾漢良

💞小妾污蔑娇妻虐待孩子,娇妻机智化解,一家三口幸福满满让小妾眼红!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

He took his first love to take the bus, so so sweet ❤️ | My Sunshine❤️#何以笙簫默 #唐嫣 #鍾漢良

💞娇妻联合侯爷设局让小妾自投罗网,终于报仇雪恨,与侯爷幸福度日~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞小妾跟婆婆告状娇妻偷情去捉奸,不料竟是与侯爷约会,小妾被狠狠教训!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

九尾狐太癡情,忍痛自斷尾巴只為了能和白髮帝君有一段好姻緣 🍿 Chinese Television Dramas 杨幂 赵又廷

I want you ! 甜蜜開葷❤️❤️&何以笙簫默My Sunshine❤️ 唐嫣&鍾漢良

Mr. Hou’s eyes can’t be separated from his beloved wife~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💫灰姑娘孕期耐不住寂寞,偷看王爷雪白肉体,王爷被看到羞的不行~ | 九流霸主 Overlord #白鹿

💞娇妻被赶到农庄被刺杀,侯爷死而复生,带伤霸气救娇妻!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷娇妻终于圆房,第二天孩子家宴说父母亲密趣事,小妾听了脸都变绿!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

💞侯爷与娇妻夜夜缠绵又有孩子,小妾嫉妒的发狂,竟想对孩子下毒手!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Since when has Mr. Hou always been a strict wife~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts


💞侯爷大难不死接娇妻回家,婆婆大发雷霆,侯爷独自揽下所有过错!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love 幕後花絮:折顏與白真是? (a.k.a. Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms)

三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love 幕後花絮:雜誌花絮(a.k.a. Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms)

前任、現任狹路相逢,一場撕逼大戰馬上拉開❤️&何以笙簫默My Sunshine❤️ 唐嫣&鍾漢良

💞娇妻听信谣言怀疑侯爷不举?深夜抚摸试探,第二天侯爷让她起不来床~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

They finally got married何以笙簫默❤️❤️&何以笙簫默My Sunshine❤️ 唐嫣&鍾漢良

💞娇妻被婆婆赶到荒郊,侯爷得知立刻接回娇妻,路上就忍不住揽她进怀里~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

Family photo shoot in progress!#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

大結局!女主終於等來了朝思暮想的太子,兩人緊緊相擁,喜極而泣 🍿 Chinese Television Dramas 杨幂 赵又廷

The marriage between Mr. Hou and his beloved wife is so sweet~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

💞娇妻施粥遇难民暴乱受伤,侯爷赶到将她护进怀中,公主抱回家满眼心疼~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade


💞娇妻终于有喜,侯爷却还是忍不住夜夜找她圆房,小妾得知气得牙痒痒!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade

電視劇三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love 終極版片花 楊冪 趙又廷 CROTON MEGAHIT Official

Brother Chun is relaxing in his cute costume! !#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

The whole internet is urging Mr. Hou to consummate his marriage~#The Sword and the Brocade #shorts

電視劇三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love(a.k.a. Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms)第十八集 EP18 楊冪 趙又廷 CROTON MEGAHIT Official

三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love(a.k.a. Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms)第四十七集 EP47 楊冪 趙又廷 CROTON MEGAHIT Official

三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love 幕後花絮:笑傲江湖扇 CROTON MEGAHIT Official