【朱一龙】电影我和我的祖国纪实纪录片及单人CUT【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country interview documentary & cut

【朱一龙】新浪专访:不想一直等剧本+2000万粉丝福利吃火锅?【Zhu, Yilong】will not wait for the perfect playscript all along

【朱一龙】我和我的祖国首映式《回归》单元CUT-09192019【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country first release cut-09192019

【朱一龙】电影我和我的祖国幕后纪实花絮合集 1【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country documentary behind the scenes 2

【朱一龙】面对猝不及防的土味情话时。。。。。。【Zhu, Yilong】Reaction to unexpected sweet nothings

【朱一龙】电影我和我的祖国 推介CCTV 采访,坦承压力大,能参演是荣幸【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country promotion CCTV interview

【朱一龙】电影我和我的祖国CCTV 采访CUT : 片尾读诗【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country promotion CCTV interview CUT

【朱一龙】电影我和我的祖国幕后纪实花絮合集 3【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country documentary behind the scenes 3

【朱一龙】我和我的祖国首映 朱一龙朗诵,互动及采访单人CUT【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country first release CUT

【朱一龙】读诗《祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国》 【Zhu, Yilong】Poem read: My Country, My Dear Motherland