calling an MVC controller from c# class (2 Solutions!!)

In C#, is it good practice to use implicit numeric conversions from int to float?

Load (pretrained) CNTK model using C#

How to convert Json to List in c# without dependant class? (2 Solutions!!)

MSSQL – Select DATETIME from stuff(cast(convert()) for each seperated value (3 Solutions!!)

Average prime number from array- Javascript

Software Engineering: Why Java, C# and the like needs to be managed code? (4 Solutions!!)

Get result of a scalar-valued SQL function from C#

Software Engineering: Checking the result of a constructor in C# (4 Solutions!!)

Software Engineering: Simple vs bracketed usings C# (2 Solutions!!)

Proper way of implementing MVP passive in C# .net

Software Engineering: Data Access Modelling C# (3 Solutions!!)

Intentionally incorrect use of language features, specifically "ref" in C#, as a hint to colleagues

Code Review: Javascript best way to filter out empty values and simplify reusable function

Code Review: LeetCode: Sort The Matrix Diagonally C#

Software Engineering: Are C# unit tests running independently from each other? (3 Solutions!!)

Problem with async/await pattern — in C# and JavaScript — how to return sync value

Software Engineering: C# Pattern for Creating/Hiding Object Graph Creation (4 Solutions!!)

C# Update account based on user order data. Nested if-else optimization with almost similar values

Indentation for c# functions (3 Solutions!!)

Software Engineering: Achieving Liskov-compliant contravariance in method arguments in C#

How to update MSSQL DB schema during deployment in HA enviroment without any downtime?

Conventional C# for LinkedList with (non-)nullable references + xunit tests

Software Engineering: When to create a custom exception in C# (2 Solutions!!)

Software Engineering: Integrate C++ DLL with C# GUI asynchronously (design issue) (2 Solutions!!)

Code Review: ConvertAll Methods Implementation for Multidimensional Array in C# – follow-up

In C#, performance wise, an object's size does matter when you access one of its members through…

Code Review: Two Dimensional Array to Markdown Table Converter Implementation in C#

Code Review: ConvertAll Methods Implementation for Jagged Arrays in C#

Software Engineering: Effective Repository in C# – Where to put methods? (2 Solutions!!)

Code Review: The multithreading model to clean ConcurrentQueue in C#

Code Review: C# KeyNotFoundException with more information

Code Review: A* Search in JavaScript

Code Review: Undirected graph data structure in C#

Software Engineering: Securely sending data from shared hosted PHP script to local MSSQL

Simple c# for-loop program for calculating theoretical earnings from investing (beginner)

Code Review: Set<T> data structure in C# (2 Solutions!!)

LeetCode: FloodFill C#

Code Review: Loading and Refreshing DataGrid in WinForms using C# .Net Framework (2 Solutions!!)

Ubuntu: How to configure DBeaver to connect with ms sql server?