Getting spaces after upgrading from Indy 9 on Delphi 6 to Indy 10 on Delphi 11

Dba: Can I force a BLOB to be stored externally in MySQL?

Dba: How to stop MySQL command from replacing hostname?

Dba: How to enforce entity existence across N-tables – postgres

Unix: Can't resolve domain names after upgrading to Debian 12

Gis: Specify a PostgreSQL field name with a dash in its name in ogr2ogr

Dba: Export functions together with tables from a postgres schema

Fresh install of PostgreSQL 15.3-3 on Windows 11 with pgAdmin 4 v7.4 wont start – Stuck at "Loadi…

How to setup 410 permanently deleted on nginx

Ethereum: Decoding tx data from view call in Golang

How to convert BRE to Perl re

Perl Regular expression to read square bracket

Dba: PostgreSQL table storage and retrieval with index on non-primary key column

Dba: PostgreSQL query scanning all partitions instead of specific one

Unix: send (alsa) audio via network via UDP

Unix: wget – do not overwrite file if the download fails

Lost Local Connection to MySQL DB that resides in AWS RDS

Codereview: Simple Connection Pool for SQLite in Python

Apple: How to fix error "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError" on MacOS?

Delphi – With a Interface inside a Interface I get a Memory leak but don't know why

Dba: MSSQL – marketplace database design

Perl one-liner to split a line into multiple lines iteratively

Does C# foreach create a copy of the element from an IEnumerable?

Can not parse a string from C++ to C#

Nginx conflicting server name "" on, ignored

Networkengineering: Give internet access with a not VLAN enabled router to two VLAN networks

Dba: Why is PostgreSQL data checksums not enabled by default?

Codereview: A file renamer in Perl that gets rid of spaces, commas, dots, and dashes

NAT for Debian based WireGuard router in Hetzner cloud

C# Error trying to convert TaskListmyObj to ListmyObj

Dba: Can't set MariaDB table_open_cache greater than 200 in my.cnf

Perl script to restart Apache in Windows

Perl Mojolicious: Passing arguments to a code ref

Is this a C# switch expression exhaustiveness check bug?

What is the tool used to generate the statement SVG images on the SQLite documentation site?

Why are cloud platforms like Azure or AWS more expensive than dedicated server providers like Het…

Starting MySQL standalone works but as windows service it failsde4141e5 c619 4459 83d2 7c93f971f387

org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.ConnectionFailedException: Unable to establish websocket connecti…

C# Snake in Console

PHP Class to render HTML div styled tables