Using SQLite in C# – Building Simple, Powerful, Portable Databases for Your Application

Date and Time in C# 10 and .NET 6 In 10 Minutes or Less

Intro to Windows Services in C# – How to create, install, and use a service using Topshelf

.NET Framework vs .NET Core vs .NET vs .NET Standard vs C#

Should I Focus on Blazor or ASP.NET Core?

Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC in C# plus LOTS of Tips

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC in C#: Basics, Advanced Topics, Tips, Tricks, Best Practices, and More

C# Essentials: Linq for Lists – Sorting, Filtering, and Aggregating Lists Easily

C# Dependency Injection with Autofac

Creating Excel Files in C#

Global Usings in C# 10 and .NET 6 In 10 Minutes or Less

Delegates in C# – A practical demonstration, including Action and Func

What Is The C# Learning Path? What is the Correct Path for Learning C#?

How to connect C# to SQL (the easy way)

C# Async / Await – Make your app more responsive and faster with asynchronous programming

Factory Pattern in C# with Dependency Injection

Interfaces in C# – What they are, how to use them, and why they are so powerful.

Top 10 C# Best Practices (plus bonuses)

C# Generics – What they are, why they are useful, and how to create them

VB.NET vs C# – A comparison of the two languages, how they are different, and where they are going

Intro to Console Apps in C# in .NET 6

Why Should I Choose C# As My Programming Language?