【朱一龙】海南国际电影节合集 【Zhu, Yilong】Hainan International Film Festival Mix

【朱一龙】肯德基硬核青年个人cut+甜笑三连拍02182019【Zhu, Yilong】2019 Kentucky Chicken lunch meal AD

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅-杭州推广YOKA采访-11032019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal HangZhou Promotion YOKA interview

【朱一龙】 朱一龙的小动作:舔后槽牙【Zhu, Yilong】Little behavior :Licking Molar Teeth

【朱一龙】海南国际电影节开幕式后采访合集 【Zhu, Yilong】 Hainan International Film Festival Interview Mix

【朱一龙】膳摩师哆啦A梦 + Cut – 06012019 【Zhu, Yilong】Thermos- Doraemon- 06012019

【朱一龙】我和我的祖国首映式饭拍合集-09192019【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country first release Fan’s video Mix

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅- 紫熨斗广告:挑剔质检官-11082019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal Ad -11082019

【朱一龙】ENG SUB央视五四青年晚会新闻报道朱一龙CUT 【Zhu, Yilong】CCTV News Zhu,Yilong CUT

【朱一龙】戛纳电影节-红毯实况– 05212019 @优酷全娱乐【Zhu, Yilong】Cannes Film Festival 2019 Youku -Red Carpet –05212019

【朱一龙】《向上的光》央视网MV【Zhu, Yilong】China YOUNG Project for “Uplight”

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅-天猫双十一广告 -11042019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal Tmall Ad – 11042019

【朱一龙】膳摩师独乐系列养生杯广告及花絮-10252019 【Zhu, Yilong】Thermos- health preserving Cup– 10252019

【朱一龙】戛纳电影节-机场+摇车窗告别 – 05192019【Zhu, Yilong】Cannes Film Festival 2019 – Airport + wave – 05192019

【朱一龙】 头条里的青春中国片花CUT【Zhu, Yilong】Youth of China in Headlines Trail Cut

【朱一龙】央视五四青年晚会-英雄赞歌 演唱 饭拍- 多角度+高清近景【Zhu, Yilong】 May 4th Youth Party – Singing Fan’s Video

【朱一龙】我的真朋友北京见面会- 朱一龙 CUT @沸点娱乐【Zhu, Yilong】My True friends Meet Crew in Beijing CUT

【朱一龙】膳魔师-芍药花系列 + CUT – 05062019【Zhu, Yilong】Thermos Peony flower Series & CUT – 05062019

【朱一龙】Elle采访: 分享美颜秘笈+最近对乐队特别感兴趣-08222019 【Zhu, Yilong】Elle Interview: beauty tips+ Interests in band

【朱一龙】制片人/导演谈为什么选朱一龙【Zhu, Yilong】Producer & Director interview

【朱一龙】联想定制手机Z5广告合集 + 拳击回放,一次看个够! 【Zhu, Yilong】Lenovo phone Z5 advertisements + Boxing slow motion

【朱一龙】央视五四青年晚会排练 饭拍 PART2 【Zhu, Yilong】CCTV May 4th Youth Party Rehearsal Fan’s Video PART 2

【朱一龙】戛纳电影节-新浪采访-补剧 绿皮书+觉得井然有点矫情 – 05212019 【Zhu, Yilong】2019 Cannes Film Festival –Sina interview

【朱一龙】电影我和我的祖国幕后纪实花絮合集 3【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country documentary behind the scenes 3

【朱一龙】春风十里自弹自唱三遍+混声MV剪辑【Zhu, Yilong】Guitar singing MV – 04162019

【朱一龙】祝福香港 & 电影我和我的祖国 – 回归 CUT 【Zhu, Yilong】His wishes & cut from My Motherland and Me – Return

【朱一龙】 眼里的宵夜只有火锅 -11052019【Zhu, Yilong】Hot pot is his only love – 11052019

【朱一龙】TOMFORD 天猫双十一广告 – 11012019【Zhu, Yilong】TOMFORD Tmall Ad – 11012019

【朱一龙】国剧盛典 获奖,采访 & 推广知否 Zhu,YiLong: TV Drama Awards ceremony & Interview

【朱一龙】我和我的祖国首映 朱一龙朗诵,互动及采访单人CUT【Zhu, Yilong】My people, My country first release CUT

【朱一龙】 敏感30岁-出道多少年?【Zhu, Yilong】Sensitive 30-year-old man

【朱一龙】REFA -嫌弃清汤锅 + 腼腆 0318-03202019【Zhu, Yilong】REFA Not happy with clear soup hot pot + shyness

【朱一龙】WWF世界自然基金会&健乐士GEOX -野生大熊猫的寻踪之旅【Zhu, Yilong】WWF&GEOX – Tracing Wild Panda

【朱一龙】读诗《祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国》 【Zhu, Yilong】Poem read: My Country, My Dear Motherland

【朱一龙】悦游中国:WWF世界自然基金会-追踪一只看不见的黑犀牛【Zhu, Yilong】 WWF – Tracing a black rhinoceros

【朱一龙】朱一龙 – 央视五四青年晚会排练 饭拍 PART1 【Zhu, Yilong】CCTV May 4th Youth Party Rehearsal Fan’s Video PART1

【朱一龙】之前不红就是因为演的不好+花絮+金句+表情包【Zhu, Yilong】Interview talking about acting +Behind-the-scenes

【朱一龙】 欧莱雅晶莹水双十一推广 – 11112019【Zhu, Yilong】L'Oréal 11112019 promotion

【朱一龙】吴邪上班饭拍@小邪 【Zhu, Yilong】《The Graver Robbers’ Chronicles》shooting period- Fan’s video

【朱一龙】ENG SUB 《盗墓笔记重启》 剧组探班 PART4 采访-成熟男人 【Zhu, Yilong】TGRC Interview- mature man