Install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on Windows 10/VirtualBox

Fail to install Linux Mint on old/legacy computer, with acpi=off option

Install Arduino IDE 1.8.9 on Ubuntu 18.10

Assign static local domain to Raspberry Pi

Install and run 64-bit Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS on Raspberry Pi 4

Install Ubuntu 14.04 on old/legacy PC, with "acpi=off".

Fail to install Visual Studio Emulator for Android on Windows 10

Install Arduino Software (IDE) on Windows 10

Pico/MicroPython + ESP-01S (AT Command) act as TCP Client connect to Raspberry Pi/Python TCP Server

TCP socket communication between (RPi Pico+ESP-01S) and ESP32 via WiFi

RPi Pico + ESP32-S remote control ESP32-DevKitC via WiFi TCP, using MicroPython.

ESP32/MicroPython server + Raspberry Pi/Python client, transmit image via WiFi TCP socket.

Install openEuler in VirtualBox, and install Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE)

UDP communication between Raspberry Pi/Python and Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect

Install ESP32/ESP8266 to Arduino IDE 2.0 beta on Linux Mint 20.1, with Python setup

Install MySQL on Raspberry Pi

Linux Mint: Add Program Launcher to Menu

Fixed: Raspberry Pi OS cannot find 5G Hz WiFi Network

Hello World of C# console program on Raspberry Pi 2 using Mono/MonoDevelop