📍萧炎首次秀出“开山印”,仅一招就破掉云山斗宗大招“风刹湮罡”!胸上留下拳印|斗破苍穹年番 Battle Through the Heavens |Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】陈长生徐有容终于开始感情线了吗? | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

陈长生重开国教学院遇险阻,莫雨姑娘的推荐书发挥了大作用 | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

📍云山使出斗宗斗技想一招致胜,奈何被萧炎三种异火融合击杀!|斗破苍穹年番 Battle Through the Heavens |Chinese Animation Donghua

🎆造化武碑最好的武学被林动取走!双林之争即将打响!【MULTI SUB】| 武动乾坤3 EP25-36 Martial Universe |Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】苏离&圣女带回陈长生黄纸伞赠徐有容 | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

📍纳兰嫣然生死门后再度挑战萧炎被锤爆!论不自量力的下场!| 斗破苍穹年番 Battle Through the Heavens | Chinese Animation Donghua

💎 萧炎洗刷耻辱!云岚宗大战云棱云山!美杜莎云韵的爱恨情仇!|斗破苍穹三年之约1-13 Battle Through the Heavens【MULTI SUB】|Chinese Animation

📍萧炎用三种异火融合佛怒火莲,一掌击杀云山,大仇得报震惊全场!|斗破苍穹年番 Battle Through the Heavens |Chinese Animation Donghua

✨陈长生寻找剑池! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

📍危急时刻美杜莎赶来从魂殿手中拯救萧炎!嘴硬心软帮助萧炎救药老!| 斗破苍穹年番 Battle Through the Heavens | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】糟糕!南客誓要打败徐有容! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

📍 萧炎三上云岚宗,能看到云韵和古河的大婚吗?【MULTI SUB】|斗破苍穹年番 Battle Through the Heavens | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨择天记 EP7-13 父辈的约定,两个人命运捆绑!陈长生重振国教学院!| The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】陈长生徐有容:我骂我自己! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

【MULTI SUB】圣后乔装夜会陈长生,眼中带泪,警告众人勿再找陈长生麻烦 | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】陈长生用血救命!徐有容谈及婚约! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨择天记 EP1-6 父辈的约定,两个人命运捆绑!陈长生重振国教学院!| The Fighter of the Destiny【MULTI SUB】|Chinese Animation Donghua

💎萧炎与云岚宗的前尘往事再回首!决战在即,这一次不再逃避!【MULTI SUB】斗破苍穹 Battle Through the Heavens | Chinese Animation Donghua

🎐全职法师 EP61-67 火焰魔女竟是火劫果实的最强守护者?炎姬杳无音信,契约就此打消?!| Almighty Mage【MULTI SUB】 | Chinese Animation Donghua

💎女孩为海波东献出生命!美杜莎女王从此封心锁爱!【MULTI SUB】|斗破苍穹特别篇2 EP03 Battle Through the Heavens|Chinese Animation

🎆拍卖会老板娘萱素恰如斗破苍穹里的雅妃帮助林动守护林家,林动也挡不住姐姐的诱惑!【ENG SUB】 |武动乾坤 Martial Universe |Chinese Animation Donghua

🎆武动乾坤3 EP7 华宗和林动比试,激斗后吸食林动精神力反被林动吸干致死【MULTI SUB】 Martial Universe |Chinese Animation Donghua

💎萧炎给美杜莎女王取名!接下来有一年的时间相伴!【MULTI SUB】| 斗破苍穹年番46 Battle Through the Heavens |Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】陈长生无论发生什么,都抱着老婆不放手! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】陈长生得知自己不会死!所以一切都是白忙活?!| 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

【MULTI SUB】“你若负我,我定忍着恶心将你吃了!”黑龙化为人形助陈长生| 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】周园中各方势力蠢蠢欲动! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua

✨【MULTI SUB】果然黑龙是喜欢陈长生的吧! | 《择天记》The Fighter of the Destiny | Chinese Animation Donghua