
Microsoft Windows DNS and IIS Intergration

Microsoft Windows DNS and IIS Intergration

This week’s video will cover Microsoft Windows DNS and a simple integration with IIS 7. We start with a light conceptual overview of what DNS is, and how it works in the wild. We then cover the main records that you will be using in DNS, and how those records work associate with services on your systems. Some of the records we cover are A cames, C name, PTR records, etc.

Though DNS can seem daunting at first pass it really is not so monstrous. There are many ways that you can help reduce your DNS foot print by using “Forwarders”, and your ISP’s DNS systems even if you prefer to host your own websites. Choosing to let your ISP host your forward facing DNS maybe a viable option to reduce the attack surface of your organization.

If you like the video please check out my website www.winsrvtuts.com. Hopefully you will find valuable information regarding Windows Server administration.

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