How To Register A Website Domain Name For Your New Site : A DreamHost Tutorial – Domain Registration

How To Register A Website Domain Name For Your New Site : A DreamHost Tutorial – Domain Registration

How To Register A Website Domain Name For Your New Site : A DreamHost Tutorial - Domain Registration

If you want to set up a website, one of the first things you’ll need is a domain. In this video, I’ll show you how to register a website domain name at DreamHost while signing up for a plan. I’ll also explain how the process works if you already have a DreamHost account. Consider this an easy DreamHost tutorial on domain registration.

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a new DreamHost account using your email address and a secure password.

Now it’s time to choose a domain. Take a moment to consider your
options since your URL will be the backbone of your website’s brand.
Once you’ve found an available domain you like, simply select your registration term: 1, 2, or 3 years.

At this point, all that’s left to do is fill out a few additional forms. Once you place your order, you’ll get access to your DreamHost Panel. That means you can start working on your new website.

Keep in mind: even if you publish your new website right away, it won’t be visible online until the domain “propagates.” That’s a tech-y term for the process of updating every server on the web with your new domain. Usually, propagation only takes a few hours, but sometimes it can take up to a day, so you’ll want to plan accordingly.

Honestly, the hardest part of registering a domain is coming up with the perfect name. Once you have it — and you’ve made sure it’s available — you can register it in a matter of minutes.

Want more DreamHost domain name registration and email hosting tips and tricks? Be sure to check out the links in the description box below and don’t forget to subscribe! See you next time!