
Crystal Head Vodka Bottle with lava lamp look.

Crystal Head Vodka Bottle with lava lamp look.

Very pleased with this Crystal Head Vodka bottle lamp. I’m really happy with the great flow i’m getting with this bottle. The glass is European made so of very high quality and thickness. If you are like me whenever you see a bottle or piece of glassware you start thinking about how it would look as a lava type lamp. We intend to get better at being able to prototype stands over the next short while with the aid of a 3D printer. So hopefully my Crystal Head will find a nice place to rest soon. btw; Crystal Head is owned by Dan Aykroyd, a great Canadian and all round talented guy. (comedian, actor, screenwriter, musician, UFOlogist and purveyor of fine spirits.) Next step is to colour my head. But what colour? i’m thinking red. Initially thinking Pink or Magenta to look like a brain. What do you think? What should the stand look like? P.S. No vodka was hurt in the making of this lamp. It was appropriately disposed of and highly recommended. Working on emptying my next Crystal Head to give this one company. #@dan_Aykroyd #@crystal_head .

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