
Tabs and ViewPager (Android Development Patterns Ep 9)

Tabs and ViewPager (Android Development Patterns Ep 9)

Check out the new ViewPager2 library, which is an improved version of ViewPager with additional functionality: https://youtu.be/lAP6cz1HSzA

Showing multiple screens or pages of content is easy with the help of ViewPager and a PagerAdapter. Combining that with tabs make for an effective top level navigation strategy (https://www.google.com/design/spec/patterns/app-structure.html#app-structure-top-level-navigation-strategies) for your app or for moving between content at the same level of hierarchy within your app.

TabLayout ensures that your tabs matches the material design guidelines (https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/tabs.html) and integrate easily with ViewPager to make jumping between pages and getting an overview of all pages much easier.

Add the Android Design Library to your app today: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2015/05/android-design-support-library.html

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