
Register to get 15 USDT, 5 USDT to unlock VIP. The highest monthly earning is 900,000 USDT

Register to get 15 USDT, 5 USDT to unlock VIP. The highest monthly earning is 900,000 USDT

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– Contact : furkan_1185@icloud.com

Welcome to the mall task, the registration reward is 15USDT, and the VIP task can be unlocked with a minimum of 5USDT.
Invitation link: https://mn-mall.com/register?code=0766995
VIP1 quota is 20USDT, commission rebate is 6%, daily income is 1.2USDT
VIP2 quota 50USDT, 7% rebate, daily income 3.5USDT
VIP3 quota 100USDT, 8% rebate, daily income 8USDT
VIP4 quota 500USDT, 12% rebate, daily income 60USDT
VIP5 quota 1000USDT, 15% rebate, daily income 150USDT
VIP6 quota 5000USDT, 20% rebate, daily income 1000USDT
VIP7 quota 10000USDT, 23% rebate, daily income 2300USDT
VIP8 quota 30000USDT, 25% rebate, daily income 7500USDT
VIP9 quota 100,000 USDT, 30% rebate, daily income 30,000 USDT
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Invite friends to three levels of rebates
When someone signs up and tops up with your invite code, the Tier 3 rebate percentages are as follows:
Level 1 member 5%, the other party recharges 1000 USDT, you get 50 USDT
Level 2 member 3%, the other party recharges 1000 USDT, you get 30 USDT
Level 3 members 2%, the other party recharges 1000 USDT, you get 10 USDT
1. The bonus can be withdrawn immediately, unlimited times. If you recommend more users to join your promotion link, the more commission rewards you will get, and the commission charged by the recommended users will directly enter your promotion account, and you can withdraw cash directly!
2. Tell your team that the company registration invitation link can be promoted in any social software, as follows: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, instarma, Douyin, KAO KAO, WhatsApp group, Telegram group, etc.

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