MySQL | Getting Started with MySQL

MySQL | Getting Started with MySQL

MySQL | Getting Started with MySQL

So you have successfully installed MySQL and want to get started. No problem. SQL is a very simple language and quite easy to learn. In this video we will learn to create a database in MySQL using CREATE DATABASE statement. Then we will create a simple Customer table using CREATE TABLE statement. After that we will insert some customer detail into the customer table using INSERT INTO statement and finally we will retrieve the data stored in the customer table using SELECT statement.

If you are new to SQL then I would suggest you to visit w3schools site.

Once you are comfortable with the SQL queries you can then watch
MySQLProject tutorial in which we will be using Java program to retrieve data from customer table.

0:34 Open MySQL Command Line Client and connect as MySQL root user
0:54 Create database
1:19 Use database
1:38 Create table
2:26 Insert data into the table
3:50 Display table content

If you have not yet installed MySQL and need some help in the installation process then kindly watch the installation video.

You can download MySQL for FREE from

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