
Webinar 3: Domain Names: Secrets & Strategies with Alexandra Watkins

Webinar 3: Domain Names: Secrets & Strategies with Alexandra Watkins

We’ve collaborated with Verisign, the operator of the .com top-level domain, to bring you a five-part webinar series with the “Eat My Words’ author and Chief Executive Boss Lady herself, Alexandra Watkins!

Since 2005, Alexandra and her firm, Eat My Words, have created love-at-first-sight brand names for clients from Amazon to Xerox. Her personal name hall of fame includes The Baconator, vertical farming company Plenty, the Neato robotic vacuum, Smitten Ice Cream, Spanish language school Gringo Lingo, frozen yogurt franchise Spoon Me, and the Church of Cupcakes.

In this five-part series, we’ll help you master the startup name game. This is the third part of the five-part series. Be sure to watch all the videos in the series!

Webinar 1: The Power of Awesome Names
Webinar 2: SCRATCH: The 7 Deadly Deal Breakers
Webinar 3: Domain Names: Secrets & Strategies
Webinar 4: Brainstorming: Tools, Tips and Techniques
Webinar 5: Name Changes: Pros, Cons, and Makeovers

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