Cyberpunk 2077 gets a DEDICATED Steam Deck mode but they BROKE IT

Cyberpunk 2077 gets a DEDICATED Steam Deck mode but they BROKE IT

Cyberpunk 2077 gets a DEDICATED Steam Deck mode but they BROKE IT

**UPDATE** – I was right and they fixed it many months later:

CDPR gave #Cyberpunk2077 a new #SteamDeck setting but they totally broke it and it does not give the expected performance, as it seems it’s just a copy/paste of Ultra for now.

*New Update*: After some more fun investigating, the Steam Deck preset definitely doesn’t work right. By itself, it sets High+Ultra but it’s more than that.

Going from Medium to Steam Deck and running the benchmark, it gave a higher performance than my video.

Reloading the game, it then says it’s preset to Ultra. So I set it to Steam Deck again and run benchmark to see really low performance. Then I set it to Low, go back to the menu, then back in and set again to Steam Deck and run then benchmark again, and it’s the best performance I’ve seen yet.

Cyberpunk seems to grab onto what preset you had last for Steam Deck, and any restart when you’ve set to Steam Deck seems to jack it back up to Ultra. So, the Steam Deck preset is definitely broken which is why other videos may show a different performance or visuals.

Low: 46.31 average FPS
Swapping Low to Steam Deck: 46.26 average FPS

Medium: 36.72 average FPS
Swapping Medium to Steam Deck: 36.30 average FPS

High: 28.39 average FPS
Swapping High to Steam Deck: 28.11 average FPS

Go back to even just the menu after going through the presets and setting Steam Deck, then back into the benchmark: 22.07 average FPS as it seems to default Steam Deck preset to High+Ultra. Saw the same behaviour on desktop too.

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