Learn Full CRUD Operation Using Dot Net 6.0 | MVC| MSSQL | MySQL | EF Core Code First | jQuery

Learn Full CRUD Operation Using Dot Net 6.0 | MVC| MSSQL | MySQL | EF Core Code First | jQuery

✔️ List CRUD is ASP.NET 6.0, C#, EF code first web application that helps you to create, update delete and read operation very smoothly with cool UI and firster paging, sorting, and searching functionality.

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✔️ Live Demo

✔️ Technologies
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022/Later, ASP.NET 6.0, Entity Framework Code First, MS SQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery data table, bootstrap 4, sweetalert, toastr,Fontawesome etc.

Prerequisite Application
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022/Later, Dot Net 6.0, MS SQL SERVER 2017/MySQL, IIS, Chrome/Edge Browser.

✔️ Steps:
1. Create Model: Database Table adds int DB Context
2. Create View Model: For Display data in UI and data Mapping
3. Create Controller: Manage data
4. Create View: View data
5. Create JS for the View handle

✔️ Key Features
+ Full CRUD without full page load.
+ .NET 6.0
+ EF Code first
+ Faster data load with 100k plus demo data loading
+ Faster searching
+ Faster pagination
+ sweetalert
+ Bootstrap Modal
+ Data export
+ Column ordering
+ Clean code with full tech support

✔️ CMD
: dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
: dotnet ef database update
: dotnet build
: dotnet run

✅ Supports:
If you want to modify or add new features, you can always contact us at,
WhatsApp: 8801674411603
Telegram: shahed71bd
Skype: shahedatomap
Email: [email protected]