
How to register a domain with dnsimple ruby

How to register a domain with dnsimple ruby

When you’re managing multiple domains with the same base configuration it can become error-prone. That’s where our API can help. Learn how to register domains using our dnsimple-Ruby API client.
DNSimple was launched at RubyConf 2010. The Ruby language has a very special place in our ♥️. We’re happy to be part of this community. Every time you bundle,
you’re using DNSimple. We partner with #rubygems so you can bundle install your projects every time, all the time.

#api #dns #domainregistration #domain #reseller #rubyonrails #ruby

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Managing a lot of domains? Register, connect and operate your domains with our 30-day free trial 👉 https://dnsimple.com/signup or contact us for more info.

Join our reseller program, plug into our API, and create recurring revenue. We provide you with the expertise to become a domain reseller
📬 https://dnsimple.com/resellers#reseller-contact
👩🏻‍💻👨🏿‍💻——–Developer Tips——–👨🏼‍💻👩🏾‍💻
🔗 API with DNSimple: https://dnsimple.com/api/ruby
🔗 GitHub repository: https://github.com/dnsimple/dnsimple-ruby
🔗 GitHub API examples: https://github.com/dnsimple/dnsimple-api-examples
📂 Cheat Sheet: https://cdn.dnsimple.com/assets/website/api-v2-ruby-cheatsheet.pdf
📂 Developer Documentation: https://developer.dnsimple.com/

🔗——–Additional Information——–🔗
🔗 https://study.dnsimple.com/
🔗 heroku_dnsimple_cert: Upload SSL cert from DNSimple to Heroku. #heroku

🎬——–Other resources——–🎬
🔗 https://blog.dnsimple.com/2018/05/ruby-unconf-2018-recap/
🔗 https://blog.dnsimple.com/2018/03/elapsed-time-with-ruby-the-right-way/
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b0MyL3xunw @Codegram

👋 👋—— Contact Us—– 👋 👋
➡️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/dnsimple @dnsimple
➡️ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dnsimple/
➡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dnsimple/
➡️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dnsimple/

⏰——–Time Stamps——–⏰
00:00 Intro
00:43 Getting an API token in the sandbox environment
02:01 Setting up the project
03:05 Getting the account id
03:32 Check domain
04:34 Creating a contact
05:08 Registering a domain
05:25 List domains
06:06 Add a zone record
06:47 List zone records
07:07 Recap

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