Glass Skull Lamp- Crystal Head Vodka Skull

Glass Skull Lamp- Crystal Head Vodka Skull

Glass Skull Lamp- Crystal Head Vodka Skull

So I have been getting a lot of good comments and input about my ammo box speakers which I made some time ago and even personal requests to build some. Sadly I cant make more as I just don’t have time 🙁

BUT, it got my creative juices flowing and made me think of what else could I make in my crazy head of mine as a new project.
So I have some leftover empty Crystal Head Vodka glass bottles and though about making a desktop lamp to have on while I game. So stay tuned and maybe in the near future I will have something going for you guys when I get time!

Hope to see you then!

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Check out my ammo box speakers DIY build:

Part one-
Part two- .

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