078 Agile ColdFusion API Development (Amazing Postman, ColdBox and Agile secrets)

078 Agile ColdFusion API Development (Amazing Postman, ColdBox and Agile secrets)

078 Agile ColdFusion API Development (Amazing Postman, ColdBox and Agile secrets)

John Farrar talks about “Agile ColdFusion API Development (Amazing Postman, ColdBox and Agile secrets)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. 
Show notes
Why build APIs in ColdFusion?
Works reliably
Why APIs
Link to other apps
Separate data connector from biz logic
Vue, Angular, React
Why Build in APIs using ColdBox and Postman
Why ColdBox for APIs
Why using ColdBox instead of Coop that you wrote
ColdBox 5 new features for APIs
RESTful principles work well with ColdBox
Why Postman for API
Postman is used by 5 million developers and more than 100,000 companies to access 130 million APIs every month.
Free upto 1,000 calls/month
$8-21/user/mo beyond that depending on the version
Included: 10,000 monitored calls/month, 1 million regular calls
Pre-purchased: $200/month for a pack of 500,000 monitored calls
Postman free is awesome at everything from manual to automated end to end API testing.
Fake out your API
Mock API
Share API calls, folders, workspaces and environments
Document API
Debug API
Replay an API call
Test API
Part of your CI script
Postman Travis
Newman automated API testing
Smart test sequences
Monitor API
Use the console
What is Agile Dev?
Why should you care?
Regression testing
2 week sprints with 12-20 new features
Git feature branch merge with master branch then run automated tests
Continuous small wins
Fast stakeholders engagement and feedback
Retrospect meeting
What went well
What could have gone better
Vs who messed up
If you are not having fun then something is wrong
Naming sprints with fun name named from Letter of alphabet and random category
Einsteinium (letter E and chemical element)
Frakta (letter F and Ikea item)
More traction
Work as a team, less supervision
Scrum master
Fear of sharing problems
Fear of asking for help
Code review
Egoless programming
Remote team: Zoom and Slack video chat and
Live share in Visual Studio Code review
Keeps your own UI preferences
Remote Pair programming
BDD style testing
Writing a story vs check box testing
End to end integration test
Unit test
Why are you proud to use CF?
WWIT to make CF more alive this year?
What are you looking forward to at Into The Box?
Mentioned in this episode
BDD – Behavior-Driven Development
RESTful principles 
Building REST APIs in ColdBox documentation 
CI = Continuous Integration
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong
BHAG = Big Hairy Audacious Goal
Agile development
Microsoft Visual Studio Code 
Has a CFML extension
TestBox and ColdBox extension
CFLint plug in
30% of CFers use it 
Mark Drew Docker episode
Into The Box
Session Description:
Agile API Dev

In this session we will be taking a look at build in APIs using ColdBox and Postman. Yes, postman free is awesome at everything from manual to automated end to end API testing. If you think you know Postman, learn how to do BDD style testing, use the console and much more to build and maintain your APIs like never before.

John Farrar started programming in the late 70’s on a Commodore PET. He served in the U.S.Navy and then met his wife during his reservist years. This was when the Amiga drove his computer interest for several years. Eventually, he became a web developer and in the later 90’s he started using ColdFusion building dynamic websites.

With about twenty years of web development, John has become known for his work with jQuery, Knockout and Vue AJAX libraries. Sustainable and profitable come together when the right technology is applied to the correct challenges. John enjoys focusing on a strategy that will bring impact without getting delayed by over-engineering.