MSSQL Data Dictionary Generator – Output Screens, Exports, Reports, and Scripts

MSSQL Data Dictionary Generator – Output Screens, Exports, Reports, and Scripts

MSSQL Data Dictionary Generator - Output Screens, Exports, Reports, and Scripts

This Data Dictionary Generator tool is easier and faster to use than scripts to easily document an existing database schema. You can dump the tables, views, colun descriptions, data types/lengths/sizes/precision, key constraints, and othr information. Results can be instantly exported to CSV, Excel, or even PDF. You can generate just the comments script for tables and columns for you to edit and run, then put under source control. You can outupt the SQL script used to generate the data dictionary for you own use embedding into your systems and tools.

In this video #2 tutorial for the tool, we will cover all five flavors of output:
1. Dictionary Viewer / Interactive Screen
2. CSV export to Notepad or Excel
3. PDF report for prettier output to publish and share
4. Comments script for managing the database objects’ descriptions
5. Data Dictionary script for the underlying black box magic so you can run it yourself

——- Chapter Timestamps (click to jump forward): —————————–
0:00 – Intro
0:13 – This tutorial covers all 5 flavors of output
0:35 – Where are we at in the User Interface? Oh, step #4
0:39 – Output To: Screen (Interactive) — the Dictionary Viewer
2:16 – Output To: CSV File in Notepad or Excel
3:11 – Output To: Comment Script
6:37 – Output To: Data Dictionary Script
8:14 – The End


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