HTTP/3 Premium CDN for Magento Cloud Hosting

HTTP/3 Premium CDN for Magento Cloud Hosting

HTTP/3 Premium CDN for Magento Cloud Hosting

Jelastic HTTP/3 Premium CDN (content delivery network) add-on leverages a highly interconnected global network, featuring massive bandwidth capacity, advanced caching and acceleration strategies, fast-routing IP Anycast technology for powerful and lightning-fast performance over the globe.

This CDN network spans the globe with 130+ Super PoPs (points of presence) located on 6 continents. Jelastic customers get premium traffic for the same price across all continents and countries with no surprising bills based on geographic locations.

Attaching CDN network to a website is a simple process while using Jelastic PaaS. In this tutorial, you’ll see how to do that with Premium CDN service to ensure extremely fast content distribution among your clients worldwide. The video demo instruction is based on Magento Hosting package where this e-сommerce platform can be automatically installed in one click and hosted within Jelastic PaaS.

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