12-How to generate scripts for complete Microsoft SQL Server database (including data)

12-How to generate scripts for complete Microsoft SQL Server database (including data)

12-How to generate scripts for complete Microsoft SQL Server database (including data)

Original high quality video: http://www.dotnetcodecentral.com/Post/131/microsoft-sql-server-quick-learn-how-to/How-to-generate-scripts-for-complete-SQL-Server-database

All high quality videos on SQL Server (FREE to download): http://www.dotnetcodecentral.com/Technology/microsoft-sql-server-quick-learn-how-to

Demonstrates the following:

-Generate script (which contains all SQL commands for database objects) for entire database automatically using SQL Server Management Studio
-Selecting various options while generating the script
-Generating INSERT statements automatically for all tables in a database
-Creating a new database and executing the script which was generated earlier (after executing the script, the new database should look almost identical to the previous database).