How to setup WiFi Adapter Drivers Realtek & Mediatek Adapter

How to setup WiFi Adapter Drivers Realtek & Mediatek Adapter

How to setup WiFi Adapter Drivers Realtek & Mediatek  Adapter

Setup the Wifi Drivers for a Mediatek or Realtek WIfi Adapter .

Download the drivers from :

1 Realtek Wifi ADapter Drivers

Hi and welcome. In this video I’m going
to show you how you can set up the USB Wi-Fi adapter

If your computer
doesn’t come with a Wi-Fi card and it
doesn’t have the capability to connect
to wireless networks then this adapter
will give you a computer that capability
and in this video I’m going to show you
how to set it up.

I’m going to show you how to install the drivers and then
you’re also going to see how you can use
it on your computer. The first thing,plug in the adapter .

Once you plug it in, in most cases it’s going to be plug
and play for Windows 8.1 Windows 10 but
for Windows 7 and below you’re going to
have to install the drivers and if yours
came with a driver CD then you can just
insert the CD inside of your disc drive.

If yours didn’t come with a driver CD then
you can download it from .

Once you put in the CD just open the files . There are two
companies that manufacture these drivers
and devices. We have mediatek and RealTek, so
sometimes you don’t know which one runs
your adapter. You can try installing one,
if it doesn’t work you try the other one.

In this case I think this one is by Realtek so I’m just going to open it up .
If you’re using Linux you can see you have the Linux realtek adapters you
have the ones for mac and the one for Windows.
so if I scroll down,
I’ll find the set up and I can just
click on the setup .so just try one and
if this doesn’t work you try the other
driver from mediatek .


So I’ll go next. Just wait for it to
install. Once the installation is complete you’re going to get prompted to
restart your PC and you can just restart.

After you restart your PC if you come down here you’re
going to see that you have the wireless capability added
and you can connect to any wireless network that
is near you around you or you’ve created
from your phone .

So that’s it for this video . In this video I’ve just shown you
how you can install the drivers for a Realtek Wi-Fi adapter .

So before I end the video I just want to remove this
adapter so that I can put another one which is a mediatek adapter and you
will see that the drivers don’t work for the Mediatek wireless adapter.

You can see that now we don’t have we don’t have an
adapter. Let me just see what’s going to
happen if I put the media tech adapter

You can see that after you put the
mediatec wireless adpter, it’s not being
recognized by their real tek adapter drivers.

In the next video I want to show you how you can install the same drivers for a
media tech adapter .

In most cases there’s no way for you to
tell whether it’s Media Tek or real
tech, so you can you just try Install both drivers and whichever works
that’s the one that works. okay

So if you have any questions feel very free to let
me know and if you want to see how you
can install and setup the driver to work
with a mediatec card adapter then just
watch the next video and you’re going to
see how to install it for a media tech
adapter so that’s it for this video.

If you have any questions feel very free to
let me know.

2 Mediatek Wifi adapter drivers

Hello and welcome back. In the last video I showed you how to
install drivers for a USB Wi-Fi adapter.
And the driver that we installed was for
a Realtek adapter. In this video let’s
see how to install the same driver for a
mediatek adapter.

There is really no easy way for you to tell when you buy the
adapter. In most cases you’re just going
to find the adapter and maybe a driver
CD and if it doesn’t have a driver CD
you can just download the drivers C using the buttons on this page.

Once you download the drivers it’s the same content that is
here within the CD. I just copied this
content I put it online for you to
download, so if I open this, and in the
last video we used a realtek adapter.

In the real tech adapter I installed
this driver by going inside here and
then clicking on setup and if you
computer is a linux-based then you can use that, if
you use a Macintosh you can use any of these Mac drivers.

In this video we are going to deal with this mediatek adapter so
I’ll just click here, and you can see here we also have the one for Linux and
you can install the one for Linux but in my case I’m using Windows 7 so I’m going
to install the one for Windows 7 .

I’ll just double click on it to start the
installation process . Accept the terms
then go next
you can choose to install with the wireless LAN utility but in this
case let me do it without .
And if we don’t have the wireless utility we can
just use the one that comes with Windows by default .

Download the drivers from : .

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