Will it be wise to move to cloud hosting from dedicated

Will it be wise to move to cloud hosting from dedicated

Will it be wise to move to cloud hosting from dedicated

If you wake up in the morning and turn on your browser to check your website and in the browser, you find out that your website screen showing a message “This site has exceeded it’s bandwidth limits for the month”. It is the most frastrating matter for webmaster. It will be costly if you are selling products on your website. You can solve it by transfering your website from shared hosting to dedicated hosting easily. But there is a problem in that. The dedicated hosting is more more costly than the shared hosting.
What web hosting:
Good quality web hosting is not cheap but you need to keep balances between the web hosting quality and cost and your buseness needs. So what web hosting plan you need to choose so that it will perfect within your effortable cost and better web hosting quality.
Shared web hosting:
Shared web hosting is most commonly selected web hosting plan. This is used by most of the webmasters for small online buseness purposes. But in share web hosting, you are not the only persion hosting on that server. Shared web hosting means your web sites will be hosted in a server with other’s websites. Very few online buseness need the power of dedicated hosting. Most of the web hosting companies are offer different typesw of shared hosting. The difference between these web hosting are in space, data transfer limit and the number of domain you can host in your web hosting space. The major difference are how much data you can transfer each month or how much disk space you have alloted for you or how many domain you can host on that server.

When shared web hosting:
If you are a beginner and just started your online business or yet you don’t have any website for your own or you don’t know what to do, then it will be best for you to start with small share hosting plan. That is enough for small websites and blog matters.
Dedicated hosting:
dedicated hosting is for the big boys. The webmasters who have medium size of website which have lot of works to o in online. What is dedicated server? A dedicated server just like that you are the owner of that server. You can use dedicated hosting if you are unlike to share your server with other’s website. There are different types of package are available depending on your demands. the cost of dedicated server depends on RAm, IE, Hard Drive space, Processor speed.

when dedicated hosting:
Now if you are running with a larger website and you are offering a lot of downloads. Suppose you are the owner of online business and your website is selling ebook. If the average size of each ebook is 10MB and your monthly sell 2000 then you need dedicated web hosting service for your website otherwise you will run out of bandwidth. Or you are the owner of music website that offer downloads.