Golang Web Application Project Structure – Golang Web Development

Golang Web Application Project Structure – Golang Web Development

Golang Web Application Project Structure - Golang Web Development

In this Golang Web Development Series #7, we will learn how to structure Golang web application project from local development to production server with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with step by step guide here in Golang’s Web Development Series.

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package api

import (

func MainRouters(r *mux.Router) {
r.HandleFunc(“/”, Home).Methods(“GET”)
type contextData map[string]interface{}

// Home function is to render the homepage page.
func Home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(config.SiteRootTemplate+”front/index.html”, config.SiteHeaderTemplate, config.SiteFooterTemplate))

data := contextData{
“PageTitle”: “Welcome to Maharlikans Code Tutorial Series”,
“PageMetaDesc”: config.SiteSlogan,
“CanonicalURL”: r.RequestURI,
“CsrfToken”: csrf.Token(r),
“Settings”: config.SiteSettings,
tmpl.Execute(w, data)
package config

// DBName is the MySQL Database name for the app “mkc”
const DBName = “mkc”

// DBConStr is the MySQL Database connection string
const DBConStr = “root:@tcp(,utf8”

package config

// Settings is where the common settings.go constant variables.
type Settings struct {
SiteFullName, SiteSlogan, SiteBaseURL, SiteTopMenuLogo, SiteProperDomainName,
SiteShortName, SiteEmail, SitePhoneNumbers, SiteCompanyAddress string
SiteYear int

// SiteSettings defines all constant variables from the settings.go
var SiteSettings = Settings{
SiteFullName: SiteFullName,
SiteSlogan: SiteSlogan,
SiteBaseURL: SiteBaseURL,
SiteTopMenuLogo: SiteTopMenuLogo,
SiteProperDomainName: SiteProperDomainName,
SiteShortName: SiteShortName,
SiteEmail: SiteEmail,
SitePhoneNumbers: SitePhoneNumbers,
SiteCompanyAddress: SiteCompanyAddress,
SiteYear: SiteYear,

package config

const SiteShortName string = “GoWebApp”
const SiteFullName string = “Maharlikans Code”
const SiteSlogan string = “Hello Maharlikans, Welcome to our Web Development Series”
const SiteYear int = 2020
const SiteRootTemplate string = “html/”
const SiteDomainName string = “maharlikanscode.com”
const SiteProperDomainName string = “MaharlikansCode.com”
const SiteHeaderTemplate = SiteRootTemplate + “layout/header_front.html”
const SiteHeaderAccountTemplate = SiteRootTemplate + “layout/header_account.html”
const SiteHeaderDashTemplate = SiteRootTemplate + “layout/header_dash.html”
const SiteFooterTemplate = SiteRootTemplate + “layout/footer_front.html”
const SiteFooterAccountTemplate = SiteRootTemplate + “layout/footer_account.html”
const SiteFooterDashTemplate = SiteRootTemplate + “layout/footer_dash.html”
const SiteBaseURL = “”
const SiteTopMenuLogo = “/static/assets/images/maharlikanscode_top_logo.png”
const EmailLogo = SiteBaseURL + “static/assets/images/maharlikanscode_top_logo.png”
const SiteEmail = “[email protected]
const SitePhoneNumbers = “”
const SiteCompanyAddress = “Your company address here”
const SiteTimeZone = “Asia/Manila”
const SecretKeyCORS = “n&@ix77r#^&^cgeb13w@!+pht^6qu-=(”
const MyEncryptDecryptSK = “mkc&1*~#^8^#s0^=)^^7%a12”

package models

import “time”

// Customer model is a master list for all your customers table
type Customer struct {
ID int64 `json:”id”`
FirstName string `json:”first_name”` // required
LastName string `json:”last_name”` // required
CompanyAddress string `json:”company_address”` // required
TelNo string `json:”tel_no”` // required
FaxNo string `json:”fax_no”` // optional
ContactPersonName string `json:”contact_person_name”` // optional
ContactPersonNo string `json:”contact_person_no”` // optional
CreatedBy int64 `json:”created_by”`
CreatedDate time.Time `json:”created_date”`
ModifiedBy int64 `json:”modified_by”`
ModifiedDate time.Time `json:”modified_date”`
DeletedBy int64 `json:”deleted_by”`
DeletedDate time.Time `json:”deleted_date”`
IsActive bool `json:”is_active”`

– assets
– js
– css
– images
– bootstrap
– js
– css

Your folders list must go on.

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