
How to install MariaDB on Windows OS and how to uninstall MariaDB

How to install MariaDB on Windows OS and how to uninstall MariaDB

Are you wondering how I install MariaDB on windows 10? In this MariaDB video tutorial, I have explained to you, How to install MariaDB on Windows OS and how to uninstall MariaDB from Windows.

Here is the list of topics that I will cover
How to install MariaDB on Windows
How to check the MariaDB version in Windows
How to uninstall MariaDB from Windows
Check out a complete step-by-step tutorial: How to install MariaDB on Windows https://databasefaqs.com/install-mariadb/
Check out previous MariaDB video tutorials:
INSERT INTO statement in MariaDB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaQwSrkxrrY
Temporary Table in MariaDB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqdnSBu8F_I
How to truncate table in MariaDB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WoyZ1cBoe0
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