
How To Write An Animation Script

How To Write An Animation Script

In this video we’ll write an animation script, based off of a text. While you could obviously do this with any short bit of text, we’re going to use Ecclesiastes, chapter 3 as our example.

So if you want to follow these videos directly, pull out a handy bible or download the source sheet in the link below to follow along. You can absolutely feel free to use a different 500ish word piece of text if you like. Let’s start.

DOWNLOAD the resources for this video: [http://bit.ly/2MxNhRY]

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BimBam (formerly G-dcast) is a new media studio making Jewish videos, apps and animated series that are joyful, empowering introductions to Jewish ideas and life for kids & adults. Watch something Jewish at https://www.bimbam.com.

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