
4 Reasons to Learn Cloud Computing

4 Reasons to Learn Cloud Computing

4 Reasons to Learn Cloud Skills⁣

1. Improves job prospects in all industries⁣
🎯94% of all Enterprises use Cloud services (source: cloudwards)⁣
🎯By the end of 2021, 67% of all enterprise infrastructure will be cloud-based⁣

2. ⬆️ demand for cloud computing skills⁣
🎯Global Cloud Computing Market projected to reach more than $800 billion by 2025 (source: Fortune Business Insights)⁣
🎯IDC Forecasts Worldwide “Whole Cloud” Spending to Reach $1.3 Trillion by 2025⁣

3. Cloud ☁️ skills Demand greater than Supply⁣
🎯 There is a Cloud Skills gap ⁣
🎯 Pluralsight report found that since early 2020, remote employees reported that skills involving cloud computing, cybersecurity, & data storage were most lacking in their daily routines⁣

4. High earning potential 💰 ⁣
🎯Six-figure average salary for jobs with skills⁣

These are just some of the many reasons. ⁣

The cloud ☁️ is already a big deal and it’s only going to keep growing for the foreseeable future! ⁣

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