Cloud Hosting vs Web Hosting & Dedicated Server Requirements (Explained)

Cloud Hosting vs Web Hosting & Dedicated Server Requirements (Explained)

Cloud Hosting vs Web Hosting & Dedicated Server Requirements (Explained)

Cloud Hosting vs Web Hosting & Dedicated Server Requirements (Explained)

Cloudways PROMO Code:

You might be asking…

How much RAM is required for 3K daily visitors or 90,000 monthly traffic?


How much hosting Bandwidth do I need to accommodate 3000 concurrent visitors?

You’re in luck.

Because, in this video, I’ll breakdown the Hosting resources that can handle different website traffic volumes, to help you make an informed decision.


A web server with adequate resources ensures excellent performance and user experience.

Shared hosting is best suited for Websites with low traffic (generally less than 30,000 visitors a month).

Cloud hosting, or VPS hosting is for medium to high traffic websites with monthly traffic between 30,000 to about a million.

Dedicated VPS Hosting is for very large sites (in the millions of visitors a month).

Every plan has a limit of live users or concurrent visitors it can accommodate on your site.

Concurrent users, or number of page requests per second is a standard way of effectively planning, measuring, and managing hosting capacity.

Whenever you reach a real-time concurrent visitor limit for your hosting plan, the CPU usage will reach 100%. And your site will start loading very sluggishly, and eventually end up in a “504 gateway error” message to your potential visitors.

How Much Traffic Different Hosting Resources Can Handle:

Please note that these numbers are just estimates. They’re not set in stone. Because, there are a lot of variables that can cause these numbers to differ from website to website.

A 1GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 75 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits per second), and deliver up to 30,000 to 70,000 monthly traffic.

A 2GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 150 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits), and deliver up to 70,000 to 130,000 monthly visits.

A 4GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 225 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits), and deliver up to 130,000 to 300,000 monthly traffic.

An 8GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 525 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits), and deliver up to 300,000 to 650,000 monthly traffic.

A 16GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 1050 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits), and deliver up to 650,000 to 1 Million monthly visits.

A 32GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 2175 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits), and deliver up to 1 Million to 3 million monthly traffic.

A 64GB RAM cloud hosting package can accommodate up to 4425 concurrent visitors (or real-time hits), and deliver up to 3 Million to 6 Million monthly traffic.

How to Calculate Bandwidth Requirements:

Bandwidth in website hosting is the amount of data your website can transfer to your users in a given amount of time.

Page Size = A

Average daily Pages per Session = C

Average daily Sessions per Day = D

Bandwidth Requirement per day = Page Size × Average daily Pages per Session × Average daily Sessions per Day

That is,

Bandwidth Requirement per day = A × C × D

Here’s an example:


Page Size = 1.55MB

Average daily Page views per Session: 3.57

Average daily Sessions per Day: 2100

Bandwidth consumption per day = (1.55 × 3.57 × 2100) MB

Bandwidth consumption per day = 11,620.35 MB

Which is equal to 11.62GB

Bandwidth Consumption Per Month = 11.62GB × 30 days

Which is equal to 348.6 GB per month.

This means that your hosting package’s Bandwidth capacity has be more than 348.6 GB in order to be able to handle the amount of concurrent traffic coming to your site.

In order to Scale up or increase the amount of traffic your site is able to handle for the same hosting package, you can use a CDN service and use a powerful Caching software or plugin on your Website.

Effectively using a CDN and Caching seeks to drastically reduce your overall website size, and increasing it’s speed.

From our Bandwidth formula above, as the Page Size reduces, and therefore, the Required Bandwidth also reduces.

Meaning our website will be faster, and accommodate more traffic all other factors being equal.

How much Bandwidth is required for 50000 visitors, How much Bandwidth is required for 4000 concurrent,

HOW Much RAM and BANDWIDTH You’ll Need For Different Amounts Of Monthly Traffic

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