
Leveraging the New Streamlined Vercel and MongoDB Atlas Integration

Leveraging the New Streamlined Vercel and MongoDB Atlas Integration

— Resources —
✅ MongoDB Starter Kit: https://vercel.com/templates/next.js/mongodb-starter
✅ Vercel Integration article: https://www.mongodb.com/developer/products/atlas/how-to-connect-mongodb-atlas-to-vercel-using-the-new-integration/

— Events —
✅ MongoDB .local San Francisco: https://www.mongodb.com/events/san-francisco
✅ Next.js Conf: https://nextjs.org/conf

Join Jesse Hall (@codeSTACKr) Sr. Developer Advocate at MongoDB, and Steven Tey, Sr. Developer Advocate @VercelHQ, to discover how you can easily deploy a powerful full-stack application with Vercel and MongoDB at scale. In this YouTube livestream, we’ll demonstrate how to deploy a sample application and walkthrough how to use Vercel’s serverless functions to connect to your MongoDB Atlas Database.

Attendees will walk away with an understanding of:
⭐ What the new official Vercel integration entails and how it simplifies the setup and deployment of MongoDB Atlas alongside your Vercel project.
⭐ Best practices for properly connecting your database with a serverless function.

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