
JSP Tutorial #3 – JSP and Servlets Overview

JSP Tutorial #3 – JSP and Servlets Overview

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JSP Tutorial Transcript

Welcome back. In this video, I’m going to give you an overview of JSP and Servlets. We’ll cover the following topics. We’ll first find out what is the Web Application. Then we’ll learn about JSP and Servlets, and finally, I’ll show you different types of apps you can create with JSP and Servlets.

What we’re going to do in this course is we’re going to build Web Applications. You may wonder, “What is a Web Application?” You’ve used this before. If you’ve gone to any E-commerce site like Amazon or any travel site, you’ve used the Web App. It’s basically a site that builds HTML pages on the fly based on your user actions.

I’d like to show you an example of this using one of the travel sites. Here is expedia.com. I use this site a lot for travel. I travel a lot from Philadelphia to India. Here, I’ll enter where I’m flying from, where I’m flying to. I’ll enter some dates here for my travel. Then the key here is that once I hit search, it’s actually going to generate HTML pages for me based on my request. These pages that you see here, it’s not a hard coded page. It’s actually generated on the fly based on my input, Philadelphia going to Bangalore.

You may wonder what happens behind the scenes. Behind the scenes is in the web browser, you select search flights. Then it goes to the web server. What the web server will do is it will actually submit a request to the database using SQL. Then once it has results, then it will take that information, and then send back an HTML page on the fly.

That’s the idea of a Web Application. This is actually very generic. You can build Web Apps using any type of technology such as JSP or Servlets or Dot Net technologies or PHP technologies, and so on. That’s the basic idea. What I’ll do in this course is I’ll show you a very high level on how to get started with JSP for building pages.

That’s the next question here. What are JSPs and Servlets? JSP and Servlet, they’re basically Java code that runs on the web server, so they can read user input normally from an HTML form. Then they can perform the work, maybe talking to a database, talking to a web service, or whatever. Finally, it will return an HTML page that’s generated dynamically on the fly.

We’re pulling it together with this big picture. Our Servlets and JSPs can actually run on the web server, so they could read information for flight information. Send information that was at the database, get the results, and then send back an HTML page. That’s the area of where Servlets and JSPs can fit in your Web Application architecture.

Here is another frequently asked question. What type of Apps can we create? I always like to say that you can create apps for any industry. You can build E-commerce apps. You could build maybe a student or employee tracking application. If you’re building a hotel or a restaurant reservation app, or a social media app like Twitter or Facebook, really any type of app, there’s really no limit on the apps you can create.

JSP and Servlets are the key components of the Java Enterprise Edition. They are the most popular pieces of technology. I always like to say they’re the bread and butter, because a lot of popular MVC frameworks actually use JSP and Servlets. For example, Spring, JSF, and Struts, they all use JSP and Servlets at the low level.

When you’re using these technologies, you may not see it directly at the high level, but behind the scenes, Spring, JSF, and Struts, they all make use of JSP and Servlets. They’re the key component of the Java Enterprise Edition. By you understanding JSP, this will help you when you move forward if you use some of those frameworks later on in your career.

[snip] JSP Tutorial

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