
How to join Linux CentOS/RHEL to a Windows AD-DS Domain | CentOS 8 & Windows Server 2019

How to join Linux CentOS/RHEL to a Windows AD-DS Domain | CentOS 8 & Windows Server 2019

Steps, including CentOS commands, are posted here: https://sanuja.com/blog/how-to-join-linux-to-a-windows-ad-ds-domain

In this demonstration, we will join CentOS, which is similar to RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) to an existing Windows Domain. If you would like to learn how to install AD-DS and promote your Windows Server to a domain, please check this video: https://youtu.be/GL5ls8cErsk.

***The CentOS 8 VM crash***
Please note during this demonstration, I crashed the CentOS 8 VM. I have resorted to using a different CentOS 8 (in production mode) to explain the last few steps of the domain join process. My apologies and I hope you find the information still useful.


Manuja Senanayake

#linux #windows #ad-ds #domain

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