
12 Patterns for Extreme MongoDB Performance and Scalability (MongoDB World 2022)

12 Patterns for Extreme MongoDB Performance and Scalability (MongoDB World 2022)

Designing a high-performance and cost-efficient system requires deep knowledge of MongoDB technologies. As your business grows, so will the demands on your database. If you are wildly successful, you’ll need to scale your minimal-viable-product into a humongous-scalable-product. This scaling journey can have profound impacts on the growth and costs of your business. In this talk, we’ll provide the audience with a curated collection of 12 patterns and best practices to help diagnose and scale MongoDB applications. Starting with requirements and bottlenecks, we’ll also address challenges in queries, networking, and storage. These patterns were curated by the author over a number of years working on real-world performance and scaling projects both internally and with customers.

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