Linux Shell Aliases: What You Need to Know

Linux Shell Aliases: What You Need to Know

Linux Shell Aliases: What You Need to Know

00:25 What is a Linux shell/command alias, and what does it look like?
00:53 Why use shell aliases in Linux?
01:36 Command Shadowing
03:36 Basic alias creation syntax
04:09 Listing all aliases in the current Linux shell environment
04:32 Basic Piping and Grepping in Bash (filtering output of ‘alias’)
06:13 How to make Linux shell aliases persistent
07:05 Dave makes a horrifying mistake with basic alias syntax
08:43 How to remove shell aliases with unalias
09:19 How to make shell aliases permanent in zsh (the Z Shell)

About this Video:
In this video, you’ll learn how to create, remove, and persist shell aliases, along with why you would want to create aliases in the first place, and why Command Shadowing is something you might find useful as well.

We’ll also discuss how to make shell aliases permanent in a few different shells (bash and zsh, the Z shell).

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