
Golang & Service Discovery using Consul : Building Microservices

Golang & Service Discovery using Consul : Building Microservices

Digital Gyan Episode: Golang & Service Discovery for building Microservices

Modern microservices are deployed usually in multi-instance cluster such as kubernetes, cloud/lambda functions where IP’s are dynamically assigned, number of instances grows or shrinks based on traffic and instances might be located behind load-balancer in more than one data-centers. Locating the services and establishing secure connections for clients is enabled by “Service Discovery”. Consul provides a central registry that tracks services, maintain health status, enable secure communication and offer dynamic load-balancing capabilities. In this episode, we will implement Service Discovery using Consul for Go (Golang) microservice.

1. Benefit of Service Discovery
2. Service Discovery Patterns
3. Consul setup for service discovery
4. Options to register services with Consul
5. Consul discovery client in Golang
6. Register services automatically using HTTP API in Golang
7. Enable health monitoring in consul
8. Consul service dashboard

1. Installation: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/deployment-guide#install-consul
2. https://digital.aadhyarupam.com

Note: This episode is presented by Ankit Patel – Cofounder and Innovator @ Aadhyarupam.
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