
Step-by-Step: Migrating Existing ColdFusion Workloads to the AWS Cloud

Step-by-Step: Migrating Existing ColdFusion Workloads to the AWS Cloud

Considering migrating your existing CF on-premise workloads and licenses to AWS? Looking to license by subscribing through the AWS Marketplace, or already on AWS and interested in ColdFusion-specific best practices?

Join us as we discuss:
• The step-by-step process of migrating to AWS

• ColdFusion-specific best practices for running even the most highly-regulated and secure workloads on AWS

• Amazon EC2 servers, along with a practical list and explanation of the core AWS services you will need to quickly get your CF environment up and running

• Utilizing CloudFormation templates to define your infrastructure as code and to ensure consistency across environments

• Re-platforming your Production workloads with zero downtime – yes, ZERO!

• The new CF AMIs (Enterprise and Standard) on AWS Marketplace for both Linux (hardened) and Windows that are optimized by Coalesce to consume AWS services.

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