
I had Trouble Finding the Perfect Domain Name For My Website Until I Found This!

I had Trouble Finding the Perfect Domain Name For My Website Until I Found This!

#leandomainsearch #creatingcourses
Are you thinking about your first website or starting a new one in addition to the one you already have? Do you think of catchy website domain names only to find some other brilliant genius already owns it? if so this video can help you.
One of the most exciting things about starting a new website, YouTube channel or podcast is the coming up with a name. A name that fits your brand and the goals for your platform. Many times the name that we create has already been taken. While this can be frustrating, the free resource Lean Domain Search can come to the resource.

In this video from Creating Courses we will show you how to use Lean Domain Search so you can come up with domain names that help you start earning money today!

If you are interested in using Lean Domain Search for your future websites then here is the link to the website that was referenced in the video tutorial.


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